Remembering the promise which gives life.
Psalm 119:49~64 Psalms Steve Messer 2024-09-29 ListenThe Cry of the Heart & the Joy of Salvation
Psalm 119:33~48 Psalms Steve Messer 2024-09-22 ListenGod's Bounty
Psalm 119:17~32 Psalms Nathan Rogers 2024-09-15 ListenComplete this sentence: 'Rules are made to be ...'
Psalm 119:1~8 Psalms Steve Messer 2024-09-08 ListenA Model Prayer for Illumination
Psalm 119 Psalms Nathan Rogers 2024-09-01 ListenThe Confident Christian
Romans 8:31~39 Romans William Taylor 2024-08-25 ListenThe Work of the Spirit
Romans 8:18~30 Romans Ray Patchett 2024-08-18 ListenNew Life in the Spirit
Romans 8:1-17 Romans Steve Messer 2024-08-11 ListenTrespass to Condemnation; Righteousness to Justification
Romans 7 Romans Greg Randles 2024-08-04 ListenSlaves to The Perfect Freedom
Romans 6:15~23 Romans Steve Messer 2024-07-28 ListenTwo kings, Two kingdoms
Romans 5:12-21 Romans Steve Messer 2024-07-14 ListenRoman 5: 1-11
Romans 5: 1-11 Romans Nathan Rogers 2024-07-07 ListenThe Righteousness of God
Romans 4 Romans Ray Patchett 2024-06-30 ListenThe Demonstration of God's Righteousness
Romans 3:21~26 Romans Steve Messer 2024-06-23 ListenGetting Righteousness
Romans 3:1~20 Romans Tom Guilford 2024-06-16 ListenRighteousness: God Has It, Everyone Needs It.
Romans 2:17~29 Romans Steve Messer 2024-06-09 ListenThe Sermon Your Non-Christian Friends Wants You to Hear
Romans 2:1~16 Romans Nathan Rogers 2024-06-02 ListenThe Facts of Life
Romans 1:18~20 Romans Steve Messer 2024-05-26 ListenWhat is the Gospel?
Romans 1:16~17 Romans Steve Messer 2024-05-19 ListenPaul: The Man Who Changed The World. Romans: The Letter That Changed The World.
Romans 1:1~15 Romans Steve Messer 2024-05-12 ListenA World of Darkness and Light
Genesis 4:17~26 Genesis Steve Messer 2024-05-05 ListenA Brother's Blood Cries Out
Genesis 4:1~16 Genesis Steve Messer 2024-04-28 ListenHuman rebellion against God
Genesis :14~24 Genesis Ray Patchett 2024-04-21 ListenThe Women's COnquering Seed
Genesis 3:13~15 Genesis Steve Messer 2024-04-14 ListenHiding from God
Genesis 3:8~13 Genesis Nathan Rogers 2024-04-07 ListenEaster Sunday: The Celebration of the Day That Changed the World
Matthew 27:56 ~ 28:10 Easter Steve Messer 2024-03-31 ListenJesus' Death & Our Salvation
Romans 5:12~21 Romans Nathan Rogers 2024-03-29 ListenDid God Actually Say...?
Genesis 3:1~8 Genesis Steve Messer 2024-03-24 ListenIt is not good for man to be alone
Genesis 2:18~25 Genesis Peter Hill 2024-03-17 ListenWe are more than gardeners
Genesis 2:4-17 Genesis Steve Messer 2024-03-10 ListenSweet Rest
Genesis 2:1-3; Matthew 11:28-30, 12:9-21 Genesis Nathan Rogers 2024-03-03 ListenWhat is Man? - Made in the Image of God
Genesis 1:24-31 Genesis Steve Messer 2024-02-25 ListenWise Goals in God's World
Proverbs 15:1-16:8, Isaiah 33:2-6, James 3:13-4:10 Genesis Nathan Rogers 2024-02-18 ListenLife's Big Questions
Genesis 1:1 ~ 2:3 Genesis Steve Messer 2024-02-11 ListenIn the beginning, God created the heavens & the earth
Gensis 1:1 Genesis Steve Messer 2024-02-04 ListenMisunderstood or misquoted Bible verses
Philippians 4:10~20 Topical Martin Rogers 2024-01-28 ListenAsk Anything in His Name
John 14:12~14 Topical Tom Guilford 2024-01-21 ListenJudge Not, That You Be Not Judged.
Matthew 7:1~12 Topical Steve Messer 2024-01-14 ListenThe Significance of One Word
Philippians 4:5ff Topical Alec Motyer 2024-01-07 ListenThe Bible's Best Text
John 1:12 Topical Alec Motyer 2024-01-07 ListenBe still and know that I am God
Psalm 46 Psalms Steve Messer 2023-12-31 ListenGlory to God, All Glory in the Highest
Luke 2:1~14 Advent Steve Messer 2023-12-17 ListenSon of the Father
Psalm 2, John 3:16~18, 36; Genesis 22:11~22 Advent Steve Messer 2023-12-10 ListenCome and Behold Him, Born the King of Angels
Hebrews 1:1~2:4 Hebrews Nathan Rogers 2023-12-03 ListenTruth, obedience & love in action (or not!)
3 John 3 John Steve Messer 2023-11-26 ListenWalk in Truth, Love and Obedience
2 John 2 John Ray Patchett 2023-11-19 ListenLife in the Son
1 John 5 1 John Steve Messer 2023-11-12 ListenThe True Church
1 John 4 1 John Steve Messer 2023-11-05 ListenTrue Fellowship with Christ Seen in Love & Righteousness
1 John 2:28~3:24 1 John Steve Messer 2023-10-29 ListenLiving in the Last Hour
1 John 2:18~27 1 John Steve Messer 2023-10-22 ListenA Clear Difference
1 John 2:3~17 1 John Nathan Rogers 2023-10-15 ListenThe Word of Life
1 John 1:1~2:2 1 John Steve Messer 2023-10-08 ListenThe final Choice: Final Judgement Glory of the Lord
Isaiah 66 Isaiah Nathan Rogers 2023-10-01 ListenWaiting for God
Isaiah 65 Isaiah Steve Messer 2023-09-24 ListenGreat Intercessary Prayer
Isaiah 63:7~64:12 Isaiah Ray Patchett 2023-09-17 ListenThe Lord's Day of Vengeance
Isaiah 63. Isaiah Steve Messer 2023-09-10 ListenWords of Hope
Isaiah 62 Isaiah Nathan Rogers 2023-09-03 ListenGod's Anointed One Restores Righteousness
Isaiah 61, Isaiah 56,59,60 Isaiah Steve Messer 2023-08-27 ListenThe Glorious Hope of Zion
Isaiah 60, Revelation 21: 22-27 Isaiah Tom Guilford 2023-08-20 ListenEstablishing Justice
Isaiah 59, Genesis 18:22-33, Psalm 25, Romans 3:9-26 Isaiah Nathan Rogers 2023-08-13 ListenHumility That God Delights In
Isaiah 58, Lev 25:35-38, 26:3-13, Neh 5:1-13 Isaiah Nathan Rogers 2023-08-06 ListenPeace or Not
Isaiah 57:14-21 Isaiah Chris Campbell 2023-07-30 ListenMocking God
Isaiah 56:9~57:13 Isaiah Steve Messer 2023-07-23 ListenYhwh's restored holy place - a house of prayer for all people
Isaiah 56:1~8 Isaiah Ray Patchett 2023-07-16 ListenGathered Together Pt 06 ~ God's gifts to the church
Ephesians 1~4:16 Gathered Together Steve Messer 2023-07-09 ListenGathered Together Pt 05 ~ Scattered for a Purpose
1 Peter 2:11-12, 2 Cor 5:14-6:2, Mat 5:13-16, Eph 4:7-16 Gathered Together Nathan Rogers 2023-07-02 ListenGathered Together Pt 04 ~ Devotion, Obedience and Growth
Eph 1:9-10, 1:22-23, 2:1-22, 3:1-21, Luke 10:25-37 Gathered Together Steve Messer 2023-06-25 ListenGathered Together Pt 03 ~ A lawyer wants to see the fine print: Who is my neighbour?
Luke 10:25~37 Gathered Together Steve Messer 2023-06-18 ListenGathered Together Pt 02 ~ Saved by Grace
Ephesians 2:1~22 Gathered Together Steve Messer 2023-06-11 ListenGathered Together Pt 01 ~ Believing in the church
Eph 3:1~21 Gathered Together Steve Messer 2023-06-04 ListenPaul comes to Rome
Acts 28:11~31 Acts Steve Messer 2023-05-28 ListenPaul's Journey towards Rome
Acts 27:1~28:10 Acts Greg Randles 2023-05-21 ListenPaul after his arrest
Acts 25~26 Acts Steve Messer 2023-05-14 ListenGod's Plan
Acts 23:12~24:27 Acts Nathan Rogers 2023-05-07 ListenPaul defends his Jewish Commitment & his new Commitment to the Way
Acts 21:37~23:11 Acts Tom Guilford 2023-04-30 ListenDoing the Will of God
Acts 21:1~36 Acts Steve Messer 2023-04-23 ListenWatch Out For Wolves: Paul Farewells The Ephesians
Acts 20:17~38 Acts Steve Messer 2023-04-16 ListenSadducees Ask ABout The Resurrection
Matthew 22:23~33 Matthew Steve Messer 2023-04-09 ListenThe Parable of The Tenants
Matthew 21:33~46 Matthew Nathan Rogers 2023-04-07 ListenChristlike Ministry
Acts 20:1~16 Acts Nathan Rogers 2023-04-02 ListenThe Way of Jesus is bad for business
Acts 19:21~41 Acts Steve Messer 2023-03-26 ListenThe Word of God Prevails Mightily in Asia
Acts 19:1~20 Acts Tom Guilford 2023-03-19 ListenEnduring Everything for God's People
Acts 18:1~28 Acts Steve Messer 2023-03-12 ListenThe Gospel vs the cultural juggernaut
Acts 17:16~34 Acts Nathan Rogers 2023-03-05 ListenThe world turned upside down.
Acts 17:1~15 Acts Steve Messer 2023-02-26 ListenPaul's Second Missionary Journey
Acts 16:6~10 Acts Steve Messer 2023-02-19 ListenHope in a Dog-Eat-Dog World
Psalm 10 Psalms Nathan Rogers 2023-02-06 ListenResounding Praise for God's bountiful blessing
Psalm 09 Psalms Martin Rogers 2023-01-29 ListenLife in Perspective
Psalm 08 Psalms Steve Messer 2023-01-22 ListenWhy the just judgement of God is good news.
Psalm 7 Psalms Nathan Rogers 2023-01-15 ListenUnderstanding the Psalms as the songs & prayers of Jesus Christ
Psalm 6 Psalms Steve Messer 2023-01-08 ListenA Psalm of David
Psalm 5 Psalms Chris Campbell 2023-01-01 ListenThe Redeemer & the King
Ruth 4 Ruth Steve Messer 2022-12-24 ListenRest Assured
Ruth 3 Ruth Nathan Rogers 2022-12-18 ListenGod's Amazing Kindeness: Luck or Providence?
Ruth 2 Ruth Steve Messer 2022-12-11 ListenChristmas Hope in the Depths of Sorrow
Ruth 1 Ruth Nathan Rogers 2022-12-04 ListenLiving well while waiting for Jesus: Four case studies
2 Timothy 4:1~11 2 Timothy Steve Messer 2022-11-27 ListenWaiting for Jesus by living compassionately
Matthew 25:31~6 Matthew Steve Messer 2022-11-20 ListenThe Coming of The Kingdom of Heaven
Matthew 25:14~30 Matthew Steve Messer 2022-11-13 ListenWaiting for Jesus by living watchfully
Matthew 25:1~13 Matthew Nathan Rogers 2022-11-06 ListenWaiting for Jesus by Living Sensibly
Matthew 24 v 45-51 Matthew Steve Messer 2022-10-30 ListenTo The Church in Laodicea
Revelation 3:14-22 Revelation Steve Messer 2022-10-23 ListenSeminar Series - The Gospels Acts
Matthew - John, Acts Genesis Steve Messer 2022-10-09 ListenTo a Low Powered Church
Revelation 3:7-13 Revelation Steve Messer 2022-10-09 ListenLetter to the Church at Sardis
Revelation 3:1-6 Revelation Nathan Rogers 2022-10-02 ListenThe Core is the Gospel
Revelation 2:1-7 Revelation Nathan Rogers 2022-09-04 ListenWrite what you see in a book and send it to my churches
Revelation 1:9-20 Revelation Steve Messer 2022-08-28 ListenGreeting to the Seven Churches
Revelation 1:4-8 Revelation Greg Randles 2022-08-21 ListenApocalypse,Prophecy, Letter
Revelation 1:1-3 Revelation Steve Messer 2022-08-14 ListenAn Invitation to Eternity
Isaiah 55 Isaiah Nathan Rogers 2022-08-07 ListenThe Comfort of a Perfect Future
Isaiah 54 Isaiah Steve Messer 2022-07-31 ListenSeminar - The Prophets
Isaiah - Malachi Seminars - Introducing sections of the Bible Steve Messer 2022-07-31 ListenProblem Solved
Isaiah 52:13-53:12 Isaiah Tom Guilford 2022-07-24 ListenThe Great News of the Ultimate Exodus
Isaiah 51:1 - 52:12 Isaiah Ray Patchett 2022-07-17 ListenWalking in the Fear of Yahweh
Isaiah 50: 4-11 Isaiah Steve Messer 2022-07-10 ListenFrom affliction to glory
Isaiah 49:14~50:3 Isaiah Nathan Rogers 2022-07-03 ListenComfort & Compassion
Isaiah 49:1~13 Isaiah David Jackman 2022-06-26 ListenAre You Listening To Me?
Isaiah 48 Isaiah Nathan Rogers 2022-06-19 ListenPsalms & Wisdom Literature
Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon Job Steve Messer 2022-06-12 ListenWhat is your bottom line? Who can save you?
Isaiah 46:1~47:15 Isaiah Steve Messer 2022-06-12 ListenYahweh rules, every knee shall bow
Isaiah 44:24~45:25 Isaiah Steve Messer 2022-06-05 ListenI AM the LORD
Isaiah 42:18~43:21 Isaiah Nathan Rogers 2022-05-22 ListenThe servant of Yhwh and false gods
Isaiah 42:1~17 Isaiah Ray Patchett 2022-05-15 ListenFear not, the Holy One of Israel is with you.
Isaiah 41 Isaiah Steve Messer 2022-05-08 ListenBehold Your God
Isaiah 40 Isaiah Nathan Rogers 2022-05-01 ListenIsaiah 1~39 Recap & Overview
Isaiah 1~39 Isaiah Steve Messer 2022-04-24 ListenYour Sorrow will Turn to Joy
John 20 John Nathan Rogers 2022-04-17 ListenFour Questions at Easter
John 19:16~42 John Steve Messer 2022-04-15 ListenDisagreement, separation & determined devotion
Acts 15:36~16:5 Acts Steve Messer 2022-04-10 ListenUnderstanding Old Testament History
Old Testament Knowing and Sharing The Gospel Steve Messer 2022-04-10 ListenSalvation by Grace Alone - Full, Free, For All
Acts 15:1~35 Acts Nathan Rogers 2022-04-03 ListenThe choice we all face: idols or Jesus?
Acts 14:1~28 Acts Steve Messer 2022-03-27 ListenRejoicing in Opposition
Acts 13:13~52 Acts Greg Randles 2022-03-20 ListenBarnabas & Paul set apart for the work: Light for a dark world
Acts 12:25~13:12 Acts Steve Messer 2022-03-13 ListenDeath & Prison but the WOrd increases
Acts 11:27 ~ 12:25 Acts Steve Messer 2022-03-06 ListenDoing the Gospel Well Together
Acts 11:19-30 Acts Nathan Rogers 2022-02-27 ListenIntoduction to Pentateuch
Genesis - Deuteronomy Genesis Steve Messer 2022-02-27 ListenThe tale of three cities & a prayer that changed the world
Act 10:1~11:18 Acts Steve Messer 2022-02-20 ListenEsther Talk 3 Church Camp
Esther 5-7 Esther Peter Adam 2022-02-13 ListenEsther Talk 2 Church Camp
Esther 3-4 Esther Peter Adam 2022-02-12 ListenEsther Talk 1 Church Camp
Esther 1-2 Esther Peter Adam 2022-02-12 ListenHow do we deal with sickness, pain,sin & death?
Acts 9:32~43 Acts Nathan Rogers 2022-02-06 ListenA Nation in Exile
Psalm 137 Psalms Greg Randles 2022-01-30 ListenRelating to the Infinite God
Psalm 139 Psalms Tom Guilford 2022-01-23 ListenEnjoy the Creation; Praise the Creator
Psalm 104 Psalms Nathan Rogers 2022-01-16 ListenThe Way of the Blameless
Psalm 119:1-8 Psalms Steve Messer 2022-01-09 ListenDwelling in the Shelter of the MOST High
Psalm 91 Psalms Martin Rogers 2022-01-02 ListenLight Enters Into The Darkness
Matthew 2:1-12, Isaiah 60:1-11 Matthew Greg Randles 2021-12-19 ListenThe Incarnation - God Became Human
Matthew 1:18-25 Matthew Steve Messer 2021-12-12 ListenThe Three Eras of Jesus Genealogy
Matthew 1:1-17 Matthew Nathan Rogers 2021-12-05 ListenTruth, Obedience and Love in Action
3 John 3 John Steve Messer 2021-11-28 ListenA Plea for Reconciliation for the Sake of the Gospel
Philemon Philemon Nathan Rogers 2021-11-21 ListenThe Dangerous Deception of Pride
Obadiah Obadiah Steve Messer 2021-11-14 ListenAnanias & Saul: Two Men Who Changed the World
Acts 9:1 - 31 Acts Steve Messer 2021-11-07 ListenThe Spirit Sends the Good News to the 'end of the earth'.
Acts 8:26-40 Acts Steve Messer 2021-10-31 ListenThe Gospel of Christ Proclaimed to the Gentiles
Acts 8:4 - 25 Acts Ray Patchett 2021-10-24 ListenGod's Sovereignty and His Overuling Providence
Acts 6:8 - 8:3 Acts Tom Guilford 2021-10-17 ListenThe Continued Increase of God's Word
Acts 6:1-7 Acts Steve Messer 2021-10-10 Listen Boldnes and Obedience in Challenging Times
ACts 5:12- 42 Acts Greg Randles 2021-10-03 ListenResponding to God and Lying to God
Acts 4:32 - 5:11 Acts Steve Messer 2021-09-26 ListenThe Power of the Name of Jesus
Acts 4:1 - 31 Acts Jason Chan 2021-09-19 ListenOne Sign, 5000 Miracles
Acts 3:1-26 Acts Steve Messer 2021-09-12 ListenDevotion, Obedience and Growth
Acts 2:42-47 Acts Steve Messer 2021-09-05 ListenThe Promise and Prophesy of the Coming Holy Spirit Fulfilled
Acts 2:1-41 Acts Greg Randles 2021-08-29 ListenNew Israel (Kingdom) Foundations Established
Acts 1: 12-26 Acts Tom Guilford 2021-08-22 ListenThe Beginning Of The End Of The Coming Of God’s Kingdom.
Acts 1: 1-11 Acts Steve Messer 2021-08-15 ListenOur Springs Are In Zion
Psalm 87 Psalms Steve Messer 2021-08-08 ListenChildren of God?
Isaiah 1:1~20 Isaiah Nathan Rogers 2021-08-01 ListenMarriage, the Wise Way
Ephesians 5:15~33 Ephesians Nathan Rogers 2021-07-04 ListenDeath to Life
Ephesians 5:3~14 Ephesians Ray Patchett 2021-06-20 ListenImitators of God
Epehsians 4:25~5:2 Ephesians Steve Messer 2021-06-13 ListenNew Mind, New Heart, New Wardrobe
Ephesians 4:17~24 Ephesians Steve Messer 2021-06-06 ListenAll the Fullnes of God
Ephesians 3:14~21 Ephesians Nathan Rogers 2021-05-23 ListenSeminar 2
Various Topical Steve Messer 2021-05-23 ListenSeminar 1
Various Topical Steve Messer 2021-05-16 ListenThe Mystery of the Gospel
Ephesians 3:1~13 Ephesians Hans Simon 2021-05-16 ListenChrist's new humanity
Ephesians 2:11~22 Ephesians Steve Messer 2021-05-09 ListenSaved by Grace for Good Works
Ephesians 2:1-10, Ezekiel 36:22-28 Ephesians Steve Messer 2021-05-02 ListenJesus and Sin in the Church
Acts 5:1-11 Acts Nathan Rogers 2021-04-25 ListenPraying to see properly
Ephesians 1:15-23 Ephesians Ray Patchett 2021-04-18 ListenPraise for our privileges in Christ
Ephesians 1:1-14 Ephesians Steve Messer 2021-04-11 ListenThe Resurrection of Jesus Christ: is it true, does it matter?
Matthew 27:57-28:15 Matthew Steve Messer 2021-04-04 ListenGod Is Good
Psalm 118 Psalms Steve Messer 2021-04-02 ListenEveryone, everywhere: praise God!
Psalm 117 Psalms Steve Messer 2021-03-28 ListenDelivered From Affliction
Psalm 116 Psalms Hans Simon 2021-03-21 ListenWhere are your Gods?
Psalm 115 Psalms Steve Messer 2021-03-14 ListenPraising the Redeeming King of Exodus
Psalm 114 Psalms Ray Patchett 2021-03-07 ListenYahweh and David’s priestly Lord.
Psalm 110 Psalms Steve Messer 2021-02-21 ListenPrayer in the day of trouble, praise for the day of salvation.
Psalm 21 Psalms Steve Messer 2021-02-14 ListenReady for Battle? A Prayer for a King
Psalm 20 Psalms David Price 2021-02-07 ListenGod's Glory
Psalm 19 Psalms Greg Randles 2021-01-31 ListenThe Majesty of the Lord's Condescension
Psalm 8, Hebrews 2:5-10,14-17 Psalms Tom Guilford 2021-01-24 ListenThe Favour of God
Psalm 3, Romans 8:28-39 Psalms Nathan Rogers 2021-01-17 ListenThe Reign of the Lord's Anointed
Psalm 2, John 15:18-27 and 16:33 Psalms Steve Messer 2021-01-10 ListenTwo People, Two Paths: Nothing in Common
Psalm 1, Matthew 7:13-14 Psalms Steve Messer 2021-01-03 ListenAdvent 2: Waiting for a World at Peace
Daniel 7:13-27 Topical Steve Messer 2020-12-13 ListenAdvent 1: Waiting for a World Ruled By God
Genesis 3:1 Topical Greg Randles 2020-12-06 ListenChristian Community and Fellowship
1 John 1 Topical Nathan Rogers 2020-11-29 ListenTo Be or Not to Be
Isaiah 38-39 Isaiah Nathan Rogers 2020-11-22 ListenThe Lord's Prayer: Forgiveness
Matthew 6:12-15 Matthew Brian Harper 2020-11-15 ListenWhere is Your Confidence?
Isaiah 36-37 Isaiah Steve Messer 2020-11-08 ListenWhich Way?
Isaiah 34-35 Isaiah David Price 2020-11-01 ListenIsaiah 33
Isaiah 33 Isaiah Steve Messer 2020-10-25 ListenGive us this Day our Daily Bread
Matthew 6:11 Matthew Brian Harper 2020-10-18 ListenThe God Who Waits
Isaiah 30:1-33 Isaiah Steve Messer 2020-10-11 ListenUnderstanding God’s Perspective
Isaiah 29:1-24 Isaiah Ray Patchett 2020-10-04 ListenEternal Celebration
Isaiah 25-26 Isaiah Nathan Rogers 2020-09-27 ListenThe Poverty of Human Wealth
Isaiah 23 Isaiah Greg Randles 2020-09-20 ListenIsaiah 22
Isaiah 22 Isaiah Steve Messer 2020-09-13 ListenBeware! God is at Work
Isaiah 19-20 Isaiah David Price 2020-09-06 ListenThe Greatest Power
Isaiah 13:1-14:2 Isaiah Nathan Rogers 2020-08-30 ListenOur Saviour's Seminar on Prayer - part 5
Matthew 6:10 Matthew Brian Harper 2020-08-23 ListenCosmic Hope
Isaiah 11:1-12:6 Isaiah Greg Randles 2020-08-16 ListenIsaiah 8:11-9:7
Isaiah 8:11-9:7 Isaiah Steve Messer 2020-08-09 ListenThe Rising of Hope
Psalm 130 Psalms Nathan Rogers 2020-08-02 ListenOur Saviour's Seminar on Prayer - part 4
Matthew 6:10 Matthew Brian Harper 2020-07-26 ListenSanctified Completely
1 Thessalonians 5:16-28 1 Thessalonians David Price 2020-07-19 ListenIsaiah 6:1-13
Isaiah 6:1-13 Isaiah Steve Messer 2020-07-12 ListenA Plea for Purposeful Unity
1 Thessalonians 5:12-15 1 Thessalonians Nathan Rogers 2020-07-05 ListenOur Saviour's Seminar on Prayer - part 3
Matthew 6:9 Matthew Brian Harper 2020-06-28 ListenOur Saviour's Seminar on Prayer - part 2
Matthew 6:9 Matthew Brian Harper 2020-06-21 ListenIsaiah 5:1-30
Isaiah 5:1-30 Isaiah Steve Messer 2020-06-14 ListenHow to Future-proof Your Life
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 1 Thessalonians Nathan Rogers 2020-06-07 ListenThe Hope of Resurrection
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 1 Thessalonians David Price 2020-05-31 ListenOur Saviour's Seminar on Prayer
Matthew 6:5-13 Matthew Brian Harper 2020-05-24 ListenWho Will Inherit the Earth?
Matthew 5:5 Matthew Ray Patchett 2020-05-17 ListenYahweh Has a Day
Isaiah 2:5-22 Isaiah Steve Messer 2020-05-10 ListenA Life Pleasing to God
1 Thess 4:1-12 1 Thessalonians Nathan Rogers 2020-05-03 ListenThe Way Back to God
Isaiah 1:21 - 2:5 Isaiah Steve Messer 2020-04-26 ListenHopeful Ministry
1 Thessalonians 3:6-11 1 Thessalonians David Price 2020-04-19 ListenFrom Worry to Worship Pt3
John 14:1-7 John Brian Harper 2020-04-12 ListenFrom Worry to Worship Pt2
John 14:1-7 John Brian Harper 2020-04-10 ListenThe Pain of Ministry
1 Thessalonians 2:14-3:5 1 Thessalonians Nathan Rogers 2020-04-05 ListenFrom Worry to Worship Pt1
John 14:1~7 John Brian Harper 2020-03-29 ListenGod's love is the most excellent way of life, & living it should be our goal.
1 Corinthians 13 1 Corinthians Nathan Rogers 2020-03-22 ListenJesus' Double Substitution
2 Corinthians 5:21 Genesis Peter Cavanagh 2020-03-15 ListenEat or Be Eaten
Isaiah 1:1~20 Isaiah Steve Messer 2020-03-08 ListenThe Leaven of the Pharisees & Sadducees ~Demanding Signs
Matthew 16:1~12 Matthew Greg Randles 2020-03-01 ListenWhat Really Matters?
Philippians 3:1~14 Philippians Andy May 2020-02-16 ListenHappy Mourning!
Matthew 5~7; Isaiah 40, 61 The Beatitudes Ray Patchett 2020-02-09 ListenWhat is Your Life?
James 4:13~17 James Brian Harper 2020-02-02 ListenHumble Ministry
1 Thessalonians 2:1~13 1 Thessalonians David Price 2020-01-26 ListenThe Fruit of the Gospel
1 Thessalonians 1 1 Thessalonians Nathan Rogers 2020-01-19 Listenwhat is your relationship with God like?
John 21:15~19 John Nathan Rogers 2020-01-05 ListenSimeon's Song 'Nunc Dimittis': Now Lord your servant departs in peace.
Luke 2:21~35 Luke Brian Harper 2019-12-29 ListenJesus came to Earth; So What?
Matthew 1:18~25 Matthew Martin Rogers 2019-12-24 ListenGloria in excelsis Deo
Like 2:8~20 Luke Brian Harper 2019-12-22 ListenThe Song of Zechariah: The Benedictus
Luke 1:57~79 Luke Brian Harper 2019-12-15 ListenMary's Song of Praise: The Magnificant
Luke 1:26~56 Luke Brian Harper 2019-12-08 ListenJoseph: The Forgotten Figure
Matthew 1:18~25 Matthew Brian Harper 2019-12-01 ListenThe Parable of The Ten Minas
Like 19:11~27 Luke Nathan Parker 2019-11-24 ListenBe Perfect Part 2: Come follow Me
Matthew 19:16~21 Matthew Hans Simon 2019-11-17 ListenBe Perfect Part 1: Love your neighbour as yourself
Matthew 19:16~21 Matthew Hans Simon 2019-11-10 ListenHands at work.
Acts 12 Acts Gerard Abdoo 2019-11-03 ListenWho belongs in the Kingdom of Heaven?
Isaiah 61:1~9 & Matthew 5:1~12 Isaiah Ray Patchett 2019-10-27 ListenThe Parable of the Dishonest Manager
Luke 16:1-13 Luke Greg Randles 2019-10-20 ListenGreat is Thy Faithfulness
Proverbs 3:6 Proverbs Keith Moulton 2019-10-13 ListenLiving in the Future
Philipians 3:12~14 Philippians Nathan Rogers 2019-10-06 ListenIf I only had a brain
1 Kings 3:5~15 1 Kings Nathan Rogers 2019-09-22 ListenRun the Race
Hebrews 12:1~2 Hebrews Martin Rogers 2019-09-15 ListenThe Execution of the Lord's Prophet
Mark 6:14-29 Mark Michael Wright 2019-09-08 ListenThe Timelessness of God and the Transience of Man
Psalm 90 Psalms Michael Wright 2019-09-01 ListenHabakkuk
Habakkuk 1 Habakkuk Greg Randles 2019-08-25 ListenThe Excellence of Love
1 Corinthians 13:1-3 1 Corinthians Michael Wright 2019-08-25 ListenReasons to Rejoice
Psalm 33 Psalms Martin Rogers 2019-08-18 ListenTwelve Delegates from the Lord
Mark 6:7~13 Mark Michael Wright 2019-08-11 ListenThe Power of Unbelief
Mark 6:1~6 Mark Michael Wright 2019-08-04 ListenMaster of the Suffering
Mark 5:21~43 Mark Michael Wright 2019-07-28 ListenThe Church Scattering
Acts 8:1~25 Acts Steve Adams 2019-07-21 ListenA Cry of a Man Hated for God's Sake
Psalm 69 Psalms Nathan Rogers 2019-07-14 ListenWho's Really in Charge
Daniel 4 Daniel Graeme Lowe 2019-07-07 ListenMaster of the Supernatural
Mark 5:1-20 Mark Michael Wright 2019-06-30 ListenBlessed Are Those Who Have Not Seen and Yet Believe.
John 20: 30-31 John Nathan Rogers 2019-06-23 ListenMaster of the Sea
Mark 4: 35 - 41 Mark Michael Wright 2019-06-16 ListenKingdom Matters
Mark 4: 26-34 Mark Michael Wright 2019-06-09 ListenParables about Parables
Mark 4:21~25 Mark Michael Wright 2019-06-02 ListenThe Penitent's Prayer
Psalm 51 Psalms Michael Wright 2019-05-26 ListenThe Assurance of the Resurrection
2 Corinthians 5:1~5 2 Corinthians Michael Wright 2019-05-19 ListenPersecution, Perseverance & Power
2 Timothy 3:12~17 2 Timothy Michael Wright 2019-05-12 ListenThe Parable of the Soils [sic] Pt2
Mark 4:1~20 Mark Michael Wright 2019-05-05 ListenThe Parable of the Soils [sic] Pt1
Mark 4:1~20 Mark Michael Wright 2019-04-28 ListenResurrection Hope
1 Corinthians 15:50~58 1 Corinthians Michael Wright 2019-04-21 ListenYou shall not murder
Exodus 20:13 Exodus Michael Wright 2019-04-14 ListenCan God's Word be trusted?
Jeremiah 38:1~13 Jeremiah Timothy Yap 2019-03-31 ListenThe Spiritual Family of Christ
Mark 3:31~35 Mark Michael Wright 2019-03-24 ListenStanding Strong in God's Strength
Ephesians 6:10~18 Ephesians Nathan Rogers 2019-03-17 ListenThe Unforgiveable Sin
Mark 3:20~30 Mark Michael Wright 2019-03-10 ListenThe Apostles of Christ Part 8
Mark 3:13~19 Mark Michael Wright 2019-03-03 ListenThe Apostles of Christ Part 7
Mark 3:13~19 Mark Michael Wright 2019-02-24 ListenThe Apostles of Christ Part 6
Mark 3:13-19 Mark Michael Wright 2019-02-17 ListenThe Apostles of Christ Part 5
Mark 3:13~19 Mark Michael Wright 2019-02-10 ListenThe Apostles of Christ Part 4
Mark 3:13~19 Mark Michael Wright 2019-02-03 ListenThe Apostles of Christ - Part 3
Mark 3:13-19 Mark Michael Wright 2019-01-27 ListenThe Joy of the LORD is your Strength
Nehemiah 8:10 Nehemiah Martin Rogers 2019-01-20 ListenThe Apostles of Christ Part 2
Mark 3:13~19 Mark Michael Wright 2019-01-13 ListenThe Apostles of Christ Part 1
Mark 3:13~19 Mark Michael Wright 2019-01-06 ListenChristian excellence
Philippians 3:1~21 Philippians Samuel Andrews 2018-12-30 ListenThe Messiah's Miraculous Birth
Matthew 1:18~25 Matthew Michael Wright 2018-12-23 ListenThe Vine
Isaiah 11:1~5 Isaiah Ray Spriggs 2018-12-16 ListenGenealogy of Jesus Christ
Matthew 1:1~17 Matthew Michael Wright 2018-12-09 ListenGreatness
Matthew 11:2~11 Matthew Gerard Abdoo 2018-12-02 ListenHang in there with Jesus
John 15:1-13 John Herman Chau 2018-11-25 ListenThe Christian Life: a long hard slog
Hebrews 12:1-2 Hebrews Nathan Rogers 2018-11-18 ListenSummarising the Son of God
Mark 3:7-12 Mark Michael Wright 2018-11-04 ListenJustification by Faith Alone
Galations 2:11-14 Galatians Michael Wright 2018-10-28 ListenThe Standard of Godliness for Slaves/Employees
Titus 2:9-10 Titus Michael Wright 2018-10-21 ListenExodus 7:8-8:19
Exodus 7:8-8:19 Genesis Ray Patchett 2018-10-14 ListenThe Standard of Godliness for Younger Men
Titus 2:6-8 Titus Michael Wright 2018-10-07 ListenThe Standard of Godliness for Younger Women [Pt 3]
Titus 2:4-5 Titus Michael Wright 2018-09-30 ListenThe Suffering of the Righteous
1 Peter 4:12-19 1 Peter Michael Wright 2018-09-23 ListenThe Prosperity of the Wicked
Psalm 73 Psalms Michael Wright 2018-09-16 ListenThe Only Way Up is Down
Luke 18:9-14 Luke Michael Wright 2018-09-09 ListenThe Spirit-filled Family
Ephesians 6:1-4 Ephesians Michael Wright 2018-09-02 ListenThe Standard of Godliness for Younger Women [Pt 2]
Titus 2:4~5 Titus Michael Wright 2018-08-26 ListenThe Standard of Godliness for Younger Women [Pt 1]
Titus 2:4~5 Titus Michael Wright 2018-08-19 ListenFinishing Well - Lessons From The Life Of Daniel Part 2
Daniel Daniel Martin Rogers 2018-08-12 ListenFinishing Well - Lessons From The Life Of Daniel Part 1
Daniel Daniel Martin Rogers 2018-08-12 ListenThe Standard of Godliness for Older Women
Titus 1:3 Titus Michael Wright 2018-08-05 ListenThe Standard for Godly Men
Titus 2:2 Titus Rob Nicholls 2018-07-29 ListenThe Necissity of Godliness
Titus 2:1 Titus Michael Wright 2018-07-22 ListenThe Elder's Task [Part 3]: Clarify the Deception
Titus 1:15~16 Titus Michael Wright 2018-07-15 ListenThe Elder's Task [Part 2]: Counsel the Deceived
Titus 1:12~14 Titus Michael Wright 2018-07-08 ListenThe Elder's Task [Pt 1]: Confront the Deceivers
Titus 1:10~11 Titus Michael Wright 2018-07-01 ListenThe Name of God
Exodus 4:18 ~ 6:13 Exodus Ray Patchett 2018-06-24 ListenTo Him Be Glory Forever
Romans 11:33~12:3 Romans Nathan Rogers 2018-06-17 ListenThe Instruction of Eldership
Titus 1:9 Titus Michael Wright 2018-06-10 ListenThe Integrity of Eldership
Titus 1:6~8 Titus Michael Wright 2018-06-03 ListenThe Importance of Eldership
Titus 1:5 Titus Michael Wright 2018-05-27 ListenThe Grounds for Apostolic Instruction
Titus 1: 1~4 Titus Michael Wright 2018-05-20 ListenThe Excellent Wife
Proverbs 31: 10~31 Proverbs Michael Wright 2018-05-13 ListenThe Blessing of the Lord's Day
Luke 23, 24; John 20; Matthew 28; Leviticus 23; Acts 2, 20; 1 Corinthians 16; Revelation 1 The Sabbath Michael Wright 2018-05-06 ListenThe Blessing of God's Rest
Genesis 2; Exodus 16 & 31; Hebrew 4 & 8; Galations 2 The Sabbath Michael Wright 2018-04-29 ListenThe Sabbath's True Purpose
Mark 3:1~6 Mark Michael Wright 2018-04-22 ListenThe Lord of the Sabbath
Mark 2:23-28 Mark Michael Wright 2018-04-15 ListenXXL May Not Be God's Size
1 Samuel 17:32~58 1 Samuel Timothy Yap 2018-04-08 ListenResurrection Sunday: Believe in Him
John 12:37~50 John Michael Wright 2018-04-01 ListenThe Way of the Cross
John 12:20~36 John Michael Wright 2018-03-30 ListenThe Triumphal Entry
John 12:12~19 John Michael Wright 2018-03-25 ListenWhat is His Name worth?
Exodus 3:1 ~ 4:17 Exodus Ray Patchett 2018-03-04 ListenFeasting With The Bridegroom
Mark 2:18 - 22 Mark Michael Wright 2018-02-25 ListenThe Salvation of Sinners
Mark 2:13~17 Mark Michael Wright 2018-02-18 ListenThe Forgiveness of Sin
Mark 2:1~12 Mark Michael Wright 2018-02-11 ListenFinding Joy in the Blessing of Forgiveness
Psalm 32, Colossians 2:6-15 Psalms Nathan Rogers 2018-02-04 ListenI am the Good Shepherd
John 10:1~18 John Brendan Short 2018-01-28 ListenA Divine Exchange
Mark 1:40~45 Mark Michael Wright 2018-01-21 ListenThe Healing Power of Christ
Mark 1:29-39 Mark Michael Wright 2018-01-14 ListenThe Authorative Teacher
Mark 1:21~28 Mark Michael Wright 2018-01-07 ListenThe Nature of the Incarnation
Selected New Testament Scriptures The Incarnation Michael Wright 2017-12-31 ListenThe Joy of the Incarnation
Luke 2:1~21 The Incarnation Michael Wright 2017-12-24 ListenThe Glory of the Incarnation - the Word became flesh
John 1:1~18 The Incarnation Michael Wright 2017-12-17 ListenThe Neccessity of the Incarnation
Hebrews 2:5~18 The Incarnation Michael Wright 2017-12-10 ListenThe Promise of the Incarnation
Isaiah 7:1~7 The Incarnation Michael Wright 2017-12-03 ListenThe Subjects of the Kingdom
Mark 1:16-20 Mark Michael Wright 2017-11-19 ListenThe Kingdom of God is at Hand Part 2
Mark 1:14-15 Mark Michael Wright 2017-11-12 ListenThe Kingdom of God is at Hand
Mark1:14-15 Mark Michael Wright 2017-11-05 ListenThe Kind of Faith That Saves
Romans 3:21-31, James 2:14-26 Topical Michael Wright 2017-10-29 ListenAfter Darkness, Light
Romans 1:16-17 Topical Michael Wright 2017-10-22 ListenThe Wrath & Righteousness of God (In the face of our current political climate) Part 5
Romans 1:18 - 32 Topical Michael Wright 2017-10-15 ListenBe Undone-The Tenth Commandment
Exodus 20:17 Exodus David Houghton 2017-10-08 ListenThe Kingdom of God (In the face of our current political climate) Part 4
1 Corinthians 6:1-11 Topical Michael Wright 2017-10-01 ListenThe Power of Truth with Love
Exodus 20:16 Exodus David Houghton 2017-09-17 ListenCome To Jesus
Mark 2:1-12 Asylums Seekers Visit Samy Metry 2017-09-10 ListenThe Holiness of God (In the face of our current political climate) Part 3
Leviticus 18 Topical Michael Wright 2017-09-03 ListenThe Justice and Mercy of God (In the face of our current political climate) Part 2
Genesis 19:1-29 Topical Michael Wright 2017-08-27 ListenThe Sovereignty of God (In the face of our current political climate) Part 1
Genesis 1:1-2:3 Topical Michael Wright 2017-08-20 ListenThe Lords Arrival
Mark 1:9-13 Mark Michael Wright 2017-08-13 ListenDo you really understand the Gospel
1Cor 11:17-34 1 Corinthians Michael Wright 2017-08-06 ListenPreparing for The Lords Arrival 'part 2'
Mark 1:1-8 Mark Michael Wright 2017-07-30 ListenPreparing for the Lords Arrival
Mark 1:1-8 Mark Michael Wright 2017-07-23 ListenThe Gospel According to Mark
Mark 1:1 Mark Michael Wright 2017-07-16 ListenGospel Ministry Challenge
Acts 20:17 - 38 Acts Tim Loftis 2017-07-09 ListenExodus 1 & 2
Exodus 1 & 2 Exodus Ray Patchett 2017-07-02 ListenSpiritual Health cont.
Colossians 2:20 - 3:17 Colossians Ray Patchett 2017-06-25 ListenJohn 15:1-17
John 15:1-17 John Rich Lanham 2017-05-28 ListenSacred Living
Exodus 20:13, Mat 5:17-30 Exodus David Houghton 2017-05-21 ListenThe End of the Beginning
Acts 1:1-11 Acts Steve Messer 2017-05-14 ListenSpiritual Health
Colossians 2:6-23 Colossians Ray Patchett 2017-05-07 ListenJonah
Jonah 3:1 - 4:4 Jonah Brian Harper 2017-04-30 ListenThe Wonder of New Birth
John 3:1~8 John Michael Wright 2017-04-23 ListenThe precious blood of Jesus
1 Peter 1:13~25; Matthew 10;17~31 1 Peter David Houghton 2017-04-16 ListenThe death of Jesus
Mark 15:33~41 Mark Chris Clarke 2017-04-14 ListenJesus was coming to Jerusalem
John 12:1~19 John Brian Harper 2017-04-09 ListenHonor your father & mother
Exodus 20:12; Ephesians 5:22~6:9 Exodus David Houghton 2017-04-02 ListenSpiritual Health
Colossians 1:15~23 Colossians Ray Patchett 2017-03-26 ListenClosed Doors, Open Arms
Luke 7:36~50 Luke Rich Lanham 2017-03-19 ListenResting From, Resting For
Exodus 20:8~11 Exodus David Houghton 2017-03-12 ListenThe Third Commandment
Exodus 20:7 Exodus David Houghton 2017-03-05 ListenThe Gospel of Jesus Christ
1 Corinthians 15:1-11 1 Corinthians Andy May 2017-02-26 Listen10 Things to remember when being tempted
1 Cor 9:24 - 10:13 Topical Nathan Rogers 2017-02-19 ListenJohn 8:12-59
John 8:12-59 John Steve Bridge 2017-02-12 ListenIsaiah 14:12-15 and Luke 18:9-14
Isaiah 14:12-15 and Luke 18:9-14 Luke Barry Bassett 2017-02-05 ListenExodus 20:4~6
The Second Commandment Exodus David Houghton 2017-01-29 ListenExodus 20:1~20
Be A False God Buster Exodus David Houghton 2017-01-22 ListenMatthew 26:6~13
Do you know Jesus loves you? Matthew Timothy Yap 2017-01-15 ListenJudges 17:1~13; Philippians 2:
Whose Interests? Philippians Kornelius Yap 2017-01-08 ListenEphesians 3:14~21
Prayer Ephesians Ray Patchett 2017-01-01 ListenJohn 15:1~17
I am The True Vine John David Price 2016-12-18 Listen1 Corinthians 1:18~2:16
The Glorious, Spiritual Wisdom 1 Corinthians Steve Williams 2016-12-11 ListenEcclesiastes 3:1~15
Ecclesiastes Ray Patchett 2016-12-04 ListenExodus 19:9~20:3
Ten Commandments Exodus David Houghton 2016-11-06 Listen1 Corinthians 12:12~27
One Body with Many Members 1 Corinthians Peter Caithness 2016-10-30 ListenMalachi 3:13 ~ 4:6
Malachi Ray Patchett 2016-10-23 ListenRedemption
The Lord - The Great Redeemer Topical David Price 2016-10-16 Listen1 Corinthians 3
1 Corinthians Hans Simon 2016-10-09 Listen1 Corinthians 1:18~2:5
1 Corinthians Hans Simon 2016-10-02 ListenMatthew 9:35~37
Matthew Adrian Turner 2016-09-25 ListenMalachi 3:6~12
Malachi Ray Patchett 2016-09-18 ListenPhilippians 1:12~2:18
Philippians Tim Atkinson 2016-09-11 ListenJohn 14:1~14
John English with Persian Translation 2016-09-04 ListenEphesians 4:1~16
Ephesians Jeff Lyle 2016-08-28 ListenReturn to Me and I will return to you
Malachi 3:6-12 Malachi Steve Adams 2016-08-21 Listen1 Corinthians 2:1~13
1 Corinthians Hans Simon 2016-08-21 ListenJohn 14
The Ministry of the Holy Spiri John Steve Messer 2016-08-14 ListenMalachi 2:17~3:5
Malachi Ray Patchett 2016-08-07 ListenMicah 3~4:4
Glorious Reversal; Glorious Re Micah David Houghton 2016-07-31 ListenMicah 2
Prophecies of Judgement Micah David Houghton 2016-07-24 ListenMicah 1:8~16
Lamenting God's Judgement Micah David Houghton 2016-07-17 ListenMicah1:1~7
Know that God is Holy Topical David Houghton 2016-07-10 ListenLuke 11:5~13
Real Prayer Topical Leigh Thorne 2016-07-03 ListenHebrews 1 ~ 2:4
Topical Bruce Ronalds 2016-06-19 ListenPhilippians 2:5~11; John 1:1~1
The humility of God Topical Brendan Short 2016-06-12 ListenMatthew 25:14~30
God's Plan For You Matthew Peter Caithness 2016-06-05 ListenMatthew 18:21-35
Matthew Keith Barton 2016-05-29 ListenMatthew 22:15-22
Matthew David Price 2016-05-22 ListenMalachi 1:6 - 2:9
Topical Ray Patchett 2016-05-15 ListenMatthew 9:35-10:20; Mark 6:7-1
The Call and The Sending Topical Dave Maxwell 2016-05-08 ListenDoes the Bible teach that Jesus is God?
Colossians 1:15-20 Apologetics Steve Adams 2016-05-01 ListenMatthew 6:19-24; 25:14-30
Investing Topical Mal Collings 2016-05-01 ListenMatthew 18:21-35
Forgiveness: Love in action Topical David Houghton 2016-04-24 ListenMatthew 16:1-12
What makes you happy? Topical Peter Caithness 2016-04-17 ListenMalachi 1:1-5
God's Love Malachi Ray Patchett 2016-04-03 Listen1 Corinthians 15:3-23
The resurrection of Christ Topical Chris Clarke 2016-03-27 ListenJohn 19:16-30
The Crucifixion Topical Chris Clarke 2016-03-25 ListenJob 38:1-21 Mark 4:35-41
Topical Peter Caithness 2016-03-20 Listen2 Peter 3
2 Peter David Price 2016-03-13 ListenRomans 10:8-15
Topical Rob & Tianne Varicak 2016-03-06 ListenJonah 4
Jonah Ray Patchett 2016-02-28 ListenJohn 4:1-42
Topical Gerard Abdoo 2016-02-21 ListenMark 7:24-37
Topical Brendon Short 2016-02-14 Listen1 Peter 2
Topical Michael Carlisle 2016-02-07 Listen11 - James 5:13-20
James Steve Adams 2016-01-31 Listen10 - James 5:7-12
James Steve Adams 2016-01-24 Listen09 - James 5:1-6
James Steve Adams 2016-01-17 Listen08 - James 4:11-17
James Steve Adams 2016-01-10 Listen07 - James 4:1-10
James Steve Adams 2016-01-03 Listen1 Corinthians 1:18~2:16
The Glorious, Spiritual Wisdom 1 Corinthians Steve Williams 2016-01-01 Listen05 - James 3:1-12
James Steve Adams 2015-12-20 Listen03 - James 2:1-13
James Steve Adams 2015-12-13 Listen02 - James 1:13-27
James Steve Adams 2015-12-06 Listen01 - James 1:1-12
James Steve Adams 2015-11-29 ListenPhilippians 3:12-21
Philippians Steve Adams 2015-11-15 ListenKnowing Jesus
Topical Gerard Abdoo 2015-11-01 Listen4 Views on The Return of Jesus
Topical Steve Adams 2015-10-25 Listen20 - 4 Views on The Return of
Daniel Steve Adams 2015-10-25 Listen19 - Daniel 12:4-13
Daniel Steve Adams 2015-10-11 Listen18 - Daniel 11:21-12:3
Daniel Steve Adams 2015-10-04 Listen17 - Daniel 11:2-20
Daniel Steve Adams 2015-09-20 ListenExodus 33
Exodus Steve Adams 2015-09-13 Listen16 - Daniel 10:1-11:1
Daniel Steve Adams 2015-09-06 Listen15 - Daniel 9:20-27 (Part 2)
Daniel Steve Adams 2015-08-23 Listen14 - Daniel 9:20-27 (Part 1)
Daniel Steve Adams 2015-08-16 Listen13 - Daniel 9:1-19
Daniel Steve Adams 2015-08-09 Listen12 - Daniel 8:1-27
Daniel Steve Adams 2015-08-02 ListenHandling Biblical Prophecy
Topical Steve Adams 2015-07-19 Listen11 - Handling Biblical Prophec
Daniel Steve Adams 2015-07-19 Listen10 - Daniel 7:15-28
Daniel Steve Adams 2015-07-12 Listen09 - Daniel 7:13-14
Daniel Steve Adams 2015-07-05 Listen08 - Daniel 7:1-12
Daniel Steve Adams 2015-06-28 ListenCommunion
Topical Steve Adams 2015-06-21 Listen07 - Daniel 6:1-28
Daniel Steve Adams 2015-06-14 ListenHomosexuality & The Bible
Topical Steve Adams 2015-06-07 Listen06 - Daniel 5:1-31
Daniel Steve Adams 2015-05-31 Listen05 - Daniel 4:1-37
Daniel Steve Adams 2015-05-24 Listen04 - Daniel 3:1-30
Daniel Steve Adams 2015-05-17 Listen03 - Daniel 2:1-49
Daniel Steve Adams 2015-05-10 Listen02 - Daniel 1:1-21
Daniel Steve Adams 2015-05-03 Listen01 - Daniel Intoduction
Daniel Steve Adams 2015-04-26 ListenLuke 24:13-35 (Road to Emmaus)
Luke Steve Adams 2015-04-12 ListenEaster Sunday (Matthew 27:57-2
Matthew Steve Adams 2015-04-05 ListenGood Friday (Matthew 27:11-61)
Matthew Steve Adams 2015-04-03 ListenMatthew 21:1-11 (Palm Sunday)
Matthew Steve Adams 2015-03-29 Listen1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5
1 Corinthians Dan Godde 2015-03-22 ListenJonah 1:17-2:10
Jonah Ray Patchett 2015-03-15 Listen15 - Why would someone become
Knowing and Sharing The Gospel Steve Adams 2015-03-08 Listen14 - How Can We Enjoy Heaven W
Knowing and Sharing The Gospel Steve Adams 2015-03-01 Listen13 - If God Is Good Why Is The
Knowing and Sharing The Gospel Steve Adams 2015-02-22 Listen12 - Evangelism On Your Doorst
Knowing and Sharing The Gospel Steve Adams 2015-02-15 Listen11 - Evangelism On Your Doorst
Knowing and Sharing The Gospel Steve Adams 2015-02-08 Listen10 - Bringing The Gospel Into
Knowing and Sharing The Gospel Steve Adams 2015-02-01 Listen09 - How To Share The Gospel
Knowing and Sharing The Gospel Steve Adams 2015-01-25 ListenColossians 1:1-14
Colossians Dan Godde 2015-01-19 Listen08 - How Not To Share The Gosp
Knowing and Sharing The Gospel Steve Adams 2015-01-18 Listen07 - The Effect of The Gospel
Knowing and Sharing The Gospel Steve Adams 2015-01-11 Listen06 - The Effect of The Gospel
Knowing and Sharing The Gospel Steve Adams 2015-01-04 ListenLuke 2:1-21 (Christmas 2014)
Luke Steve Adams 2014-12-24 ListenMatthew 2:13-23 (Hope Amidst S
Matthew Steve Adams 2014-12-21 Listen05 - No Gospel Without The Res
Knowing and Sharing The Gospel Steve Adams 2014-12-14 Listen04 - Why Did Jesus Have To Die
Knowing and Sharing The Gospel Steve Adams 2014-12-07 ListenParable of the Soils
Topical Tony Zhang (AFES) 2014-11-30 ListenWho Is Jesus?
Topical Gerard Abdoo 2014-11-23 Listen03 - What Went Wrong?
Knowing and Sharing The Gospel Steve Adams 2014-11-16 Listen02 - Why Creation Matters
Knowing and Sharing The Gospel Steve Adams 2014-11-09 Listen01 - Disciples Make Disciples
Knowing and Sharing The Gospel Steve Adams 2014-11-02 ListenThe Gideons
Topical Keith Barton 2014-10-26 Listen14 - Luke 20:9-19 (The Wicked
Luke Steve Adams 2014-10-19 ListenTestimony
Testimonies Terry Elliott 2014-10-12 Listen13 - Luke 19:11-27 (The Ten Mi
Luke Steve Adams 2014-10-05 Listen12 - Luke 18:15-30 (The Rich Y
Luke Steve Adams 2014-09-28 Listen11 - Luke 18:9-14 (Parable of
Luke Steve Adams 2014-09-14 ListenJesus & The Poor
Topical Adrian Turner 2014-09-07 ListenThe Trinity
Topical Dan Godde 2014-08-31 Listen10 - Luke 18:1-8 (Parable of t
Luke Steve Adams 2014-08-17 Listen09 - Luke 16:19-31 (Parable of
Luke Steve Adams 2014-08-10 Listen08 - Luke 16:1-13 (Parable of
Luke Steve Adams 2014-08-03 Listen07 - Luke 15:11-32 (Parable of
Luke Steve Adams 2014-07-27 Listen06 - Luke 15:1-10 (Parable of
Luke Steve Adams 2014-07-20 Listen05 - Luke 14:12-24 (Parable of
Luke Andrew Wort 2014-07-13 Listen04 - Luke 13:18-21 (Parable of
Luke Steve Adams 2014-07-06 ListenMark 4:35-5:20
Mark Brendon Short 2014-06-29 Listen03 - Luke 12:13-21 (Parable of
Luke Steve Adams 2014-06-22 Listen02 - Luke 10:25-37 (Parable of
Luke Steve Adams 2014-06-15 Listen01 - Luke 8:4-15 (Parable of t
Luke Steve Adams 2014-06-08 Listen18 - Ephesians 6:10-24 - Armou
Ephesians Steve Adams 2014-06-01 Listen17 - Ephesians 6:10-20 - Armou
Ephesians Steve Adams 2014-05-25 Listen16 - Ephesians 6:10-20 - Armou
Ephesians Steve Adams 2014-05-18 Listen15 - Ephesians 6:1-9
Ephesians Steve Adams 2014-05-11 ListenDivorce & Remarriage
Topical Steve Adams 2014-05-04 Listen14 - Ephesians 5:22-33
Ephesians Steve Adams 2014-04-27 Listen13 - Ephesians 5:15-21 (COMING
Ephesians Steve Adams 2014-04-13 Listen12 - Ephesians 5:3-14 (COMING
Ephesians Steve Adams 2014-04-06 Listen11 - Ephesians 4:25-5:2 (Part
Ephesians Steve Adams 2014-03-30 Listen10 - Ephesians 4:25-5:2 (Part
Ephesians Steve Adams 2014-03-23 Listen09 - Ephesians 4:17-24 (COMING
Ephesians Steve Adams 2014-03-02 Listen08 - Ephesians 4:1-16
Ephesians Steve Adams 2014-02-23 Listen07 - Ephesians 3:14-21
Ephesians Steve Adams 2014-02-09 Listen06 - Ephesians 3:1-13
Ephesians Steve Adams 2014-02-02 Listen05 - Ephesians 2:11-22
Ephesians Steve Adams 2014-01-26 Listen04 - Ephesians 2:1-10
Ephesians Steve Adams 2014-01-05 Listen03 - Ephesians 1:15-23
Ephesians Steve Adams 2013-12-29 Listen02 - Ephesians 1:3-14
Ephesians Steve Adams 2013-12-07 Listen01 - Introduction - Ephesians
Ephesians Steve Adams 2013-11-24 Listen10 - 2 Samuel 21-24
2 Samuel Steve Adams 2013-11-17 Listen09 - 2 Samuel 15-20
2 Samuel Steve Adams 2013-11-10 Listen08 - 2 Samuel 13-14
2 Samuel Steve Adams 2013-11-03 Listen07 - 2 Samuel 12
2 Samuel Steve Adams 2013-10-13 Listen06 - 2 Samuel 11
2 Samuel Steve Adams 2013-10-06 Listen05 - 2 Samuel 8-10
2 Samuel Steve Adams 2013-09-29 Listen04 - 2 Samuel 7
2 Samuel Steve Adams 2013-09-22 Listen02 - 2 Samuel 2-4
2 Samuel Steve Adams 2013-09-08 Listen01 - 2 Samuel 1
2 Samuel Steve Adams 2013-09-01 Listen06 - 2 Timothy 4:1-22
2 Timothy Steve Adams 2013-07-07 Listen03 - 2 Timothy 3:1-17
2 Timothy Steve Adams 2013-06-09 Listen02 - 2 Timothy 2:1-26
2 Timothy Steve Adams 2013-06-02 Listen01 - 2 Timothy 1:1-18
2 Timothy Steve Adams 2013-05-26 Listen08 - 1 Timothy 6:2b-21
1 Timothy Steve Adams 2013-05-05 Listen07 - 1 Timothy 5:17-6:2a
1 Timothy Steve Adams 2013-04-28 Listen06 - 1 Timothy 5:1-16
1 Timothy Steve Adams 2013-04-21 Listen05 - 1 Timothy 4:1-16
1 Timothy Steve Adams 2013-04-14 ListenLuke 24:13-35 (Road to Emmaus)
Luke Steve Adams 2013-04-07 ListenEaster Sunday 2013
Topical Steve Adams 2013-03-31 Listen04 - 1 Timothy 3:8-16
1 Timothy Steve Adams 2013-03-24 ListenRuth 2
Ruth Ray Patchett 2013-03-17 Listen03 - 1 Timothy 3:1-7
1 Timothy Steve Adams 2013-03-03 Listen02 - 1 Timothy 2:1-15
1 Timothy Steve Adams 2013-02-24 Listen01 - 1 Timothy 1:1-20
1 Timothy Steve Adams 2013-02-17 ListenOlivet Discourse Part 4 - Matt
Matthew Steve Adams 2013-02-03 ListenOlivet Discourse Part 3 - Matt
Matthew Steve Adams 2013-01-27 ListenOlivet Discourse Part 2 - Matt
Matthew Steve Adams 2013-01-20 ListenOlivet Discourse Part 1 - Matt
Matthew Steve Adams 2013-01-13 ListenPhilippians 2
Philippians Josh Roberts 2012-12-02 ListenEphesians 1:1-14
Ephesians Greg Randles 2012-09-23 ListenRuth 1
Ruth Ray Patchett 2012-09-09 ListenJonah 1:1-16
Jonah Andrew Wort 2012-08-05 ListenPsalm 25
Psalms Greg Randles 2012-05-27 ListenTestimony
Testimonies Teresa Raven 2012-05-27 ListenIsaiah 53:1-10
Isaiah James Ayling (Prison Fellowship) 2012-05-20 ListenBaptism
Topical Steve Adams 2012-05-05 ListenPrayer of Jaybez - 1 Chronicle
Topical Ray Patchett 2012-03-25 ListenWhat Does It Mean To Be Born Again?
Topical Steve Adams 2011-11-21 ListenTestimony
Testimonies Rob Nicholls 2011-09-04 ListenAssurance of Salvation (Part 2)
Topical Steve Adams 2011-06-05 ListenAssurance of Salvation (Part 1)
Topical Steve Adams 2011-05-29 ListenElection & Predestination
Topical Steve Adams 2010-06-03 Listen